Papers Index
1995 - 2000
Evaluation of the Strength of Astringency using Multichannel Taste Sensor
Rieko Tokubo, Katsushi Sato, Hidekazu Ikezaki, Akira Taniguchi, Kiyoshi Toko
The Japanese Journal of Taste and Smell Research, 7(3), 361-364, 2000 (in Japanese)
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Discrimination of Saltiness with Coexisting Components using Multichannel Taste Sensor with Lipid Membranes
Masaaki Habara, Kiyoshi Toko
IEICE transactions on electronics, E83-C(7), 1040-1045, 2000
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Application of Taste Sensor to Water Quality Monitoring System
Akira Taniguchi, Norihito Maeda, Yuuji Sato, Yoshinobu Naito, Hidekazu Ikezaki, Kiyoshi Toko
Technical Report of IEICE. OME, 100, 161-165, 2000 (in Japanese)
Website >
Evaluation of Aftertaste of Beer using Taste Sensing System
Yoshinobu Naito, Katsushi Sato, Yoshikazu Kobayashi, Hidekazu Ikezaki, Akira Taniguchi, Kiyoshi Toko
Technical Report of IEICE. OME, 100, 157-160, 2000 (in Japanese)
Website >
Discrimination of Beer and Estimation of Beer Foam with the Taste Sensor
Munehiro Iwakura, Toshiaki Adachi, Kiyoshi Toko
Technical Report of IEICE. OME, 100, 65-69, 2000 (in Japanese)
Website >
Development of Alcohol Sensor using Lipid Membranes
Tadayuki Tsukatani, Kazunori Nomura, Shinnya Azuma, Munehiro Iwakura, Kiyoshi Toko
Technical report of IEICE. OME, 100, 31-35, 2000 (in Japanese)
Website >
Improvement of selectivity of taste sensor by control of charge density and hydrophobisity of lipid membrane
Hidekazu Ikezaki, Yoshinobu Naito, Yoshikazu Kobayashi, Rieko Tokubo, Akira Taniguchi, Kiyoshi Toko
Technical Report of IEICE. OME, 100, 19-24, 2000 (in Japanese)
Website >
Taste Sensing System and Its Application to Beef Evaluation
Katsushi Sato, Keisuke Sasaki, Hidekazu Ikezaki, Akira Taniguchi, Mitsuru Mitsumoto, Shizuko Yamaguchi, Hiroyasu Nakai, Kiyoshi Toko
Technical Report of IEICE. OME, 100, 13-17, 2000 (in Japanese)
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Taste of Inorganic Salts Analyzed with Multichannel Electrode
Satoru Iiyama, Shu Ezaki, Kiyoshi Toko
Technical Report of IEICE. OME, 100, 1-6, 2000 (in Japanese)
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Measurements of Soy Sauce using Taste Sensor
Satoru Iiyama, Miki Yahiro, Kiyoshi Toko
Sensors and Actuators B, 66, 205-206, 2000
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Recent Development of Electronic Tongue and Nose
Kiyoshi Toko
Proceedings of International Conference on Electrical Engineering 2000, ICEE2000, B-3-04, 452-455, 2000
Detection of Hot Taste by New Measurement Method using a Multichannel Taste Sensor
Hidekazu Ikezaki, Akira Taniguchi, Kiyoshi Toko
Technical Digest of the 17th Sensor Symposium, 275-278, 2000
Taste Sensor
Kiyoshi Toko
Sensors and Actuators B, 64, 205-215, 2000
Website >
Quantitative Expression of Mixed Taste of Amino Acids using Multichannel Taste Sensor
Kiyoshi Toko, Tomomi Nagamori
IEEJ Transactions on Sensors and Micromachines, 119-E(11), 528-531, 1999 Website (PDF: 1.45MB) >
Determination of Ethanol in Sake Mash by a Chloride Ion-Selective Electrode
Tadayuki Tsukatani, Kiyoshi Toko
Food Science and Technology Research, 5(1), 43-47, 1999
Website (PDF: 578KB) >
Development of a Monitoring System for Water Quality using a Taste Sensor
Akira Taniguchi, Yoshinobu Naito, Norihito Maeda, Yuuji Sato, Hidekazu Ikezaki
Sensors and Materials, 11(7), 437-446, 1999
Website >
Detection of Cyanide using the Taste Sensor
Akira Taniguchi, Yoshinobu Naito, Norihito Maeda, Yuuji Sato, Hidekazu Ikezaki, Kiyoshi Toko
IEEJ Transactions on Sensors and Micromachines, 119-E(11), 587-592, 1999 (in Japanese) Website (PDF: 2.58MB) >
Adsorption of Taste Substances to Lipid Membranes of Taste Sensor
Kenshi Hayashi, Hideo Shimoda, Seigo Matsufuji, Kiyoshi Toko
IEEJ Transactions on Sensors and Micromachines, 119-E(11), 374-382, 1999 (in Japanese) Website (PDF: 1.98MB) >
Detection of Suppression of Bitterness by Phospholipids using Electronic Tongue
Sou Takagi, Kiyoshi Toko, Koichi Wada, Toshimitsu Ohki
Proceedings of Transducers' 99, 1638-1641, 1999
Techniques to Control Sensitivity and Selectivity of Multichannel Taste Sensor using Lipid Membranes
Hidekazu Ikezaki, Yoshikazu Kobayashi, Rieko Toukubo, Yoshinobu Naito, Akira Taniguchi, Kiyoshi Toko
Proceedings of Transducers '99, 1634-1637, 1999
Multichannel Lipid Membrane Sensor for Total Cyanide
Akira Taniguchi, Yoshinobu Naito, Norihito Maeda, Yuuji Sato, Hidekazu Ikezaki, Kiyoshi Toko
Papers of Technical Meeting on Micromachine and Sensor System, IEE Japan, CS-98-60, 71-75, 1998 (in Japanese)
Evaluation of Deterioration of Grape Juice using Taste Sensor
Hiromu Komai, Akira Taniguchi, Kiyoshi Toko
Papers of Technical Meeting on Micromachine and Sensor System, IEE Japan, CS-98-62, 81-86, 1998 (in Japanese)
Website >
Multichannel Lipid Membrane Sensor for Evaluation of Water Quality
Akira Taniguchi, Yoshinobu Naito, Norihito Maeda, Hidekazu Ikezaki, Kiyoshi Toko
IEEJ Transactions on Sensors and Micromachines, 118-E(12), 634-640, 1998 (in Japanese) Website (PDF: 1.08MB) >
Taste Sensor for Objective Taste Evaluation
Hiromu Komai, Akira Taniguchi
The Japanese Journal of Taste and Smell Research, 5(2), 147-150, 1998
Website >
Increase in Information by Improvement of Measuring Method in a Multichannel Taste Sensor
Hidekazu Ikezaki, Akira Taniguchi, Kiyoshi Toko
IEEJ Transactions on Sensors and Micromachines, 118-E(11), 506-512, 1998 (in Japanese) Website (PDF: 1.17MB) >
Discrimination of Wine using Taste and Smell Sensor
Stefano Baldacci, Tetsuya Matsuno, Kiyoshi Toko, Rita Stella, Danilo De Rossi
Sensors and Materials, 10(3), 185-200, 1998
Website >
Detection of Suppression of Bitterness by Sweet Substance using a Multichannel Taste Sensor
Sou Takagi, Kiyoshi Toko, Koichi Wada, Hiromi Yamada, Kenzo Toyoshima
Journal of Pharmaceutical Sciences, 87(5), 552-555, 1998
Website >
Quantification of Taste by Multichannel Taste Sensor with Lipid Membranes
Hidekazu Ikezaki, Akira Taniguchi, Kiyoshi Toko
Papers of Technical Meeting on Micromachine and Sensor System, IEE Japan, CS-98-3, 11-16, 1998 (in Japanese)
Website >
Response of a Lipid Membrane to Ethanol
Tadayuki Tsukatani, Kiyoshi Toko
IEEJ Transactions on Sensors and Micromachines, 118-E(5), 266-271, 1998 (in Japanese) Website (PDF: 1.19MB) >
Evaluation of Quality of Recycled Food Packages using Multichannel Taste Sensor
Taishirou Futsuno, Sou Takagi, Kiyoshi Toko
Technical Report of IEICE. OME, 98, 39-46, 1998 (in Japanese)
Webiste >
Selective Detection of Cyanide in Factory Drains using Lipid Membrane Sensor
Yoshinobu Naito, Norihito Maeda, Hidekazu Ikezaki, Akira Taniguchi, Kiyoshi Toko
Papers of Technical Meeting on Micromachine and Sensor System, IEE Japan, CS-97-51, 59-62, 1997 (in Japanese)
Website >
Measurement of Hydrophobicity of Amino Acids using a Multichannel Taste Sensor
Kiyoshi Toko, Tetsuro Fukusaka
Sensors and Materials, 9(3), 171-176, 1997
Measurements of Shoyu (Soy Sauce) with Multichannel Taste Sensor
Satoru Iiyama, Tomohiro Ikeda, Kiyoshi Toko, Miki Yahiro
Journal of the Japanese Society for Food Science and Technology, 44(9), 615-622, 1997 (in Japanese)
Webiste >
Electrical Characteristics of Lipid PVC DOPP Membrane and PVC DOPP Membrane Used as Transducers in Chemical Sensors
Koji Oohira, Kiyoshi Toko
Sensors and Materials, 9(1), 57-68, 1997
Analysis of Taste Qualities and Ingredients of Beer by Taste Sensing System
Shu Ezaki, Toshihiko Yuki, Kiyoshi Toko, Yasuhiro Tsuda, Kazuo Nakatani
IEEJ Transactions on Sensors and Micromachines, 117-E(9), 449-455, 1997 (in Japanese) Website (PDF: 1.22MB) >
Discrimination of Taste Qualities using Static and Dynamic Responses of Multichannel Taste Sensor
Kiyoshi Toko, Yuji Nakagawa, Mutsunori Obata, Takeki Yahiro
Sensors and Materials, 9(5), 297-306, 1997
Website >
Quantification of Taste of Green Tea with Taste Sensor
Hidekazu Ikezaki, Akira Taniguchi, Kiyoshi Toko
IEEJ Transactions on Sensors and Micromachines, 117-E(9), 465-470, 1997 (in Japanese) Website (PDF: 1.92MB) >
Taste Sensing FET (TSFET)
Kiyoshi Toko, Ryuichi Yasuda, Shu Ezaki, Takanori Fujiyoshi
Technical Digest of the 15th Sensor Symposium, 243-246, 1997
Analysis of Sake Mash using Multichannel Taste Sensor
Yukihiko Arikawa, Kiyoshi Toko, Hidekazu Ikezaki, Yoshio Shinha, Teruo Ito, Isamu Oguri, Shigeru Baba
Journal of Fermentation Bioengineering, 82(4), 371-376, 1996
Website >
Monitoring of Fermentation Process of Miso (Soybean Paste) using Multichannel Taste Sensor
Takuji Imamura, Kiyoshi Toko, Shizuko Yanagisawa, Takashi Kume
Sensors and Actuators B, 37, 179-185, 1996
Website >
Theory of Electric Characteristics of the Lipid/PVC/DOPP Membrane and PVC/DOPP Membrane in response to Taste Stimuli
Koji Oohira, Kiyoshi Toko
Biophysical Chemistry, 61, 29-35, 1996
Website >
Objective Scaling of Taste of Sake using Taste Sensor and Glucose Sensor
Satoru Iiyama, Yuji Suzuki, Shu Ezaki, Yukihiko Arikawa, Kiyoshi Toko
Materials Science & Engineering, C4, 45-49, 1996
Website >
Taste Sensor with Global Selectivity
Kiyoshi Toko
Materials Science & Engineering, C4, 69-82, 1996
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Quantitative Sensing of Mineral Water with Multichannel Taste Sensor
Satoru Iiyama, Miki Yahiro, Kiyoshi Toko
Sensors and Materials, 7(3), 191-201, 1995
Website >
Study of Astringency and Pungency with Multichannel Taste Sensor made of Lipid Membranes
Satoru Iiyama, Shu Ezaki, Kiyoshi Toko, Tetsuya Matsumoto, Kaoru Yamafuji
Sensors and Actuators B, 24-25, 75-79, 1995
Webiste >
Electric Characteristics of Lipid-modified Monolayer Membranes for Taste Sensors
Kenshi Hayashi, Kiyoshi Toko, Masami Yamanaka, Hiroshi Yoshihara, Kaoru Yamafuji, Hidekazu Ikezaki, Rieko Toukubo, Katsushi Sato
Sensors and Actuators B, 23, 55-61, 1995
Website >
Measurement of Coffee Taste using Lipid Membrane Taste Sensors
Hiromu Komai, Yoshinobu Naito, Katsushi Sato, Hidekazu Ikezaki, Akira Taniguchi, Kiyoshi Toko
Proceedings of the ASIC 16th International Scientific Colloquium on Coffee, 300-308, 1995
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