Use of Electric Power Generation By-Products in Wallboard, Cement and Plastics
July 31, 2017 at 12:20 pm

Coal represents a major contributor to the production of electric power. It also provides coke for production
of steel, gasified coal for production of carbon monoxide and hydrogen to produce Tylenol and NutraSweet,
and coal tar for light oils and ammonia. The large amount of coal used for power generation produces byproducts
that are deemed deleterious: sulfur dioxide contributes to production of acid rain; nitrogen oxides
contribute to acid rain, ozone, and smog; particulates contribute to production of smog; CO2 is believed by
some scientists to contribute to global warming. The Clean Air Act of 1970 advanced a beginning to reduce
the quantities of these substances emitted to the environment. Subsequent acts placed further requirements
to reduce environmental exposure to acid rain (1990) or to adopt Clean-Coal Technology (2005). This paper
provides a short outline of some of the advances and positive actions taken by the electric power companies
to comply with these acts by using by-products of coal burning for electric power...